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After the Foretelling that Gitara Moroso had that the Dragon had been reborn on the slopes of Dragonmount, Tamra Ospenya used the Accepted Moiraine Damodred and Siuan Sanche to deliver five messages to five sisters. These were to be Tamra Ospenya's Searchers for the Dragon Reborn.


All five of these women were people that Tamra thought she could trust to keep her secret about the Dragon being reborn. All of them had been Aes Sedai for well over a hundred years - presumably she had known them all almost from the time she was training as novice or Accepted. All of them also had a reputation for adhering very strictly to the law. This is important because, as Amyrlin, she can have the information Sealed to the Flame and these women are likely to take their duties and orders very seriously and never betray the secret of the Dragon Reborn. It is also possible that, because of their strict adherence to the law, they would also take the Prophecies of the Dragon seriously and be more faithful in their duties.

The Searchers[]

The details of the searchers and their fates are as follows:

Name Ajah Supposed Fate
Meilyn Arganya White Ajah Died in her sleep
Kerene Nagashi Green Ajah Drowned in the River Alguenya
Larelle Tarsi Gray Ajah Killed by Merean Redhill
Valera Gorovni Brown Ajah Cause of death unknown
Ludice Daneen Yellow Ajah Cause of death unknown
Aisha Raveneos Gray Ajah Killed by bandits in Murandy

All of the Searchers were killed by the Black Ajah. Meilyn was supposed to have died in her sleep, yet Siuan Sanche was under her bed and Meilyn never came to her room that night. Her cause of death was announced by Chesmal Emry, a known Black sister.

Cetalia Delarme, the head of the Blue Ajah eyes-and-ears, and Marya Somares of the Gray Ajah, were also murdered by the Black to prevent the Tower from finding the Dragon Reborn. Like Meilyn, Marya was found dead in her bed. These two, however, are not confirmed to be among those women chosen by Tamra. They were likely collateral damage that were merely suspected of being Tamra's agents.

While we cannot rule out the existence of other sisters being included in the search, it is reasonable to expect that Jordan's notes would have revealed this information and it would have been included in the Companion. Larelle Tarsi is one such sister whose existence was unknown to Moiraine and Suian, but who was revealed there. It would also seem reasonable that any such sisters still living might have been relevant in the events of the books if they, like Moiraine and Siuan, had either been searching for the Dragon Reborn, or kept the knowledge of his birth quiet for two decades. If any other searchers existed, they were likely killed or died of old age.

Tamra's searchers were representative of all Ajahs except the Red and Blue. The Red Ajah would have been excluded simply because Tamra would not have trusted them with information on a male channeler, even if it were the Dragon Reborn. With regards the Blue, it is surprising that Tamra had not mentioned it to any sister of her own former Ajah, but we have no indication of any named sisters that might have been one of her agents.
