— Siuan Sanche
<<< Healing >>> |
Setting: White Tower |
- Point of view: Egwene al'Vere
Egwene notices that Sheriam is leading them in the lower levels of the tower where angreal are kept and the room where novices and Accepted are tested. There are ten Aes Sedai there for the Healing, which include the Amyrlin, Leane, Verin, Serafelle, Sheriam, Alanna, Anaiya and Brendas. Using Vora's sa'angreal and combining powers, the Amyrlin leads the circle as they attempt to Heal Mat, who lies on a table in the middle of the room. Egwene realizes how foolish it was for them to think they could heal Mat by themselves when ten Aes Sedai and this powerful sa'angreal are needed. Mat appears to be fighting against the breaking of bond to the Ruby-hilted dagger. Egwene is worried that they are killing him, but Nynaeve says they have no choice but to trust the Aes Sedai. Mat shouts words of the Old Tongue, and Egwene does not know what he says, except that it is a battle cry of Manetheren.
Anaiya puts the dagger into a thick heavy box, and Mat collapses. The Amyrlin exhales and says it is over. Verin and Serafelle begin discussing the words he spoke in the Old Tongue. Brendas is asked to get Mat back to his rooms. Nynaeve asks if he is going to live, but the Amyrlin says only time will tell. She confirms that his link to the dagger is severed. Egwene asks if they can stay with him in case he dies, but she is told no. The Amyrlin gives them a meaningful look while saying they 'have chores to do' (meaning their hunt for the Black Ajah). The girls are led off to the kitchens to begin their punishment chores.
- Egwene
- Nynaeve
- Elayne
- Sheriam
- Mat
- Leane
- Siuan - as Amyrlin
- Verin
- Serafelle
- Alanna Mosvani
- Anaiya
- Brendas