A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
"Twice and twice shall he be marked,

twice to live and twice to die.
Once the heron, to set his path.
Twice the heron, to name him true.
Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost.
Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay."

   —The Prophecies of the Dragon

Book Index


Fortress of the Light
1 Waiting
2 Saidin
3 News from the Plain
4 Shadows Sleeping
5 Nightmares Walking
6 The Hunt Begins
7 The Way Out of the Mountains
8 Jarra
9 Wolf Dreams
10 Secrets
11 Tar Valon
12 The Amyrlin Seat
13 Punishments
14 The Bite of the Thorns
15 The Gray Man
16 Hunters Three
17 The Red Sister
18 Healing
19 Awakening
20 Visitations
21 A World of Dreams
22 The Price of the Ring
23 Sealed
24 Scouting and Discoveries
25 Questions
26 Behind a Lock
27 Tel'aran'rhiod
28 A Way Out
29 A Trap to Spring
30 The First Toss
31 The Woman of Tanchico
32 The First Ship
33 Within the Weave
34 A Different Dance
35 The Falcon
36 Daughter of the Night
37 Fires in Cairhien
38 Maidens of the Spear
39 Threads in the Pattern
40 A Hero in the Night
41 A Hunter's Oath
42 Easing the Badger
43 Shadowbrothers
44 Hunted
45 Caemlyn
46 A Message Out of the Shadow
47 To Race the Shadow
48 Following the Craft
49 A Storm in Tear
50 The Hammer
51 Bait for the Net
52 In Search of a Remedy
53 A Flow of the Spirit
54 Into the Stone
55 What Is Written in Prophecy
56 People of the Dragon

<<<   Saidin    >>>
Setting: Mountains of Mist


Point of view: Perrin Aybara
Pull of Saidin by Forbis

"Ba'alzamon. And I must face him, Perrin. Light help me, half the time I want it to happen now, to be over with, and the other half...How many times can I manage to...Light, it pulls at me so. What if I can't...What is I...Oh, light, it pulls so..." - Rand

In the camp Leya insists on going straight to Moiraine, but she does ask Perrin to feed her horse, Piesa. Perrin sees Min peering at Leya and asks her what she sees. Min has a viewing of Leya and predicts that she will have a violent death. "The Tinker woman is going to die. I saw her own face floating over her shoulder, covered in blood, eyes staring." Min implies that she sees viewings of violence around Perrin, but Perrin stops her before she can reveal more. Perrin worries that Leya's viewing means the camp will be in danger but he rejects contacting the wolves and decides to rely on the scouts. Moiraine has warded the camp anyway and it would be invisible to Shadowspawn unless they stumble upon it.

Loial comes over and they tell him about Leya. Min complains about being swept up by the power of ta'veren and Aes Sedai. Loial reveals that he plans to write a book about the ta'veren. Rand comes out of Moiraine's cabin and walks away. They have been arguing. Uno, Masema, Ragan and the other Shienarans are in awe of him. Leya is in Moiraine's cabin with Lan and her.

Perrin follows Rand to a fissure in the mountain wall. Rand recites a portion of the Prophecies of the Dragon (quoted above) and notes that there are no Dragons yet. Rand asks Perrin if he thinks Mat is okay and Perrin says yes. He thinks Mat and the others must be in Tar Valon by now. They briefly discuss their duties as ta'veren. Rand explains that he has been arguing with Moiraine over whether to stay put or do something about the people fighting and dying for him on Almoth Plain. He understands that she is right in that he cannot join any of the small groups of men who have declared for them, since that would just attract attention from stronger parties like the Whitecloaks and get them all killed. Still, he feels that he has to do something. Rand knows he must face Ba'alzamon again. As he frets, he feels saidin pulling at him and causes an earthquake without even knowing it. Rand asks Perrin if he has particular dreams, but Perrin has learned to protect his.[1] Perrin goes back to the camp but Rand stays behind to brood some more.









One Power[]


  1. The three ta'veren frequently had dreams of Ba'alzamon in the first two books, but apparently Perrin has now harnessed his wolfbrother powers to protect his from intrusion.