— Nynaeve al'Meara
<<< A Trap to Spring >>> |
Setting: White Tower |
- Point of view: Nynaeve al'Meara
Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene are all working on roasts in the kitchen. Nynaeve is bitter about being ordered around by Laras, the chief cook and unofficial Mistress of the Kitchens. She puts up with being ordered by Aes Sedai because she needs to learn about channeling to get back at Moiraine, but having to submit to Laras as well is too much. Elayne is not happy either and considers bringing down the might of Andor on Laras. The Amyrlin enters the kitchens and makes as if she is here to inspect the work. She stares at the workers as though they are not working hard enough. Even Laras is affected and starts working too. The Amyrlin pauses near the three but looks away from them. She accuses Elayne of using foul language to send her out of the kitchens. Egwene does not realize the ploy and jumps to Elayne's defense, so Siuan is forced to send her away too. Siuan wanted to speak with Egwene and Nynaeve but ends up with Nynaeve only.
Siuan talks with Nynaeve and says she was going to have them brought to her study in the afternoon to discuss their studies. She cannot check on them every day because it would be suspicious for their association to be too close. She could not wait though because another Gray Man, a female one, was found dead in Sheriam's bed. Nynaeve mentions that Sheriam could have looked at the Black Ajah notes during Egwene's Accepted testing but Elaida did as well.
Nynaeve gives information about what they found in the storeroom. Nynaeve does not tell her of Egwene's trip to Tel'aran'rhiod or the twisted stone ring ter'angreal as she does not entirely trust Siuan or really any other Aes Sedai. Siuan says she did not send a message about the storeroom. Else was sent home ten days ago and the belongings of the Black Ajah were actually searched and then burned, so what was in the storeroom was fake. Nynaeve is chilled by the thought that anyone she speaks to could be Liandrin or another Black Ajah sister since impersonations are apparently possible.
This clearly makes Tear a trap but they will have to proceed anyway. Siuan says she will let it be rumored that they have been sent to work at a farm as punishment to serve as an alibi. She will leave gold in their rooms for their trip. Nynaeve admits that Elayne will be leaving also. Siuan could not ask Elayne directly since she wouldn't be able to lie to Elayne's mother about what she knows. Nynaeve asks about Callandor and the Amyrlin says it is a sa’angreal and only two others are more powerful. The Black Ajah cannot be allowed to have it. Nynaeve retorts that the Black Ajah cannot touch it, which is true, but Siuan mentions that they could be after the cache of ter'angreal in the Stone of Tear which rivals that in the Tower.
Siuan looks at the frenzy she has caused in the kitchen and decides she'll have to make it up to Laras. Nynaeve thinks Laras deserves it but Siuan tells her that Laras actually went to Sheriam to demand to know when the harsh punishment for the three would end. Laras had been given instructions to give them the hardest tasks and would not continue it so long that it would break their spirits. When Laras returns, Siuan compliments her and declares that she will make Mistress of the Kitchens her official title.
Elayne and Egwene return and complain about their punishment from Laras. Elayne apparently had her mouth washed with soap for her alleged foul language. They beg Nynaeve to give them good news and Nynaeve tells them that they will be leaving after kitchen cleanup is done. Nynaeve hopes that they are not walking into a trap that they cannot get out of.