— Thom Merrilin
- For other uses of the word "shadow," see Shadow.
<<< To Race the Shadow >>> |
Setting: Caemlyn |
- Point of view: Matrim Cauthon
As Tallanvor leads Mat to the palace gate, Mat worries whether Gaebril figured out that Mat overheard his plan to have Elayne killed. Mat wants to walk quicker due to his fear but cannot since he has to follow Tallanvor. Plus it would be suspicious if he started running. Tallanvor dresses down Elber at the gate for not letting Mat in. Tallanvor asks Mat about what Morgase said regarding Sheriam, but Mat does not know what it means. Tallanvor seems to think that Morgase is trying to communicate something discreetly. Mat asks Tallanvor whether he serves Morgase and Gaebril faithfully, but Tallanvor says only that he serves Morgase, to the death.
When Mat returns to the inn, he says he is on the road to Tear after he eats. Mat asks Basel Gill about Gaebril. He says Gaebril came during the winter and led the men supporting Morgase during the riots. His reward for supporting Morgase was the post of advisor to the Queen. There is not much real information about Gaebril, who he is or where he came from. Mat says Gaebril wants Elayne dead, and tells them he overheard Gaebril talking to Comar. Basel would like to do something but can't think of anything that would help. Thom says Basel can spread some rumors about Gaebril that will cut his support. Morgase will hear the rumors sooner or later and may take warning.
Mat says he is going to Tear right away but Thom says he wants a good night's sleep first. Mat is leaving right after he eats so Thom agrees to go right away and says they need to go to Aringill to catch a fast boat. Mat leaves the purse of ten gold marks with Gill to represent a wager between him and Gaebril. Mat rolls the dice again and gets five sixes and states "I always win."
- Morgase
- Rahvin - as Gaebril
- Elayne
- Else Grinwell
- Sheriam
- Egwene
- Nynaeve
- Gareth Bryne
- Elaida
- Dyelin
- Tigraine
- Comar
- Gilda
- Coline