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See also: Statistical analysis

The Dragon Reborn contains 56 chapters and one prologue and consists of 11 unique POVs and 75 total POVs. It has a total word count of 243,569 words.

The Chapter by Chapter Breakdown sections lists the POVs in order by chapter. The percentage expressed here takes the total number of words in that section and divides it by the total word count. If a character has multiple POVs in the same chapter, they are listed again and not totaled up in one line.

The Unique POV Breakdown sections list all of the people (including Quotes and Narrator) who had POVs in the book. They are listed in the order of their appearance. The second column counts how many POVs they had. The third column divides the number of POVs the person had by the number of total POVs in the book. The fourth column lists the total word count for each POV. The fifth column divides the word count of the POV by the total word count. For example, in The Eye of the World, Rand al'Thor has 44 POVs. This is 74.586% of the total number of POVs (59) in the book. The next percentage indicates that 79.569% of the words in book are from Rand's point of view.

Chapter by Chapter Breakdown[]

Chapter Character Word Count Percentage
Prologue: Fortress of the Light Quote 100 0.0411%
Pedron Niall 5,530 2.2704%
Jaichim Carridin 1,220 0.5009%
Ch1: Waiting Perrin Aybara 4,112 1.6882%
Ch2: Saidin Perrin Aybara 4,741 1.9464%
Ch3: News from the Plain Perrin Aybara 3,529 1.4488%
Ch4: Shadows Sleeping Perrin Aybara 2,978 1.2226%
Ch5: Nightmares Walking Perrin Aybara 4,870 1.9994%
Ch6: The Hunt Begins Perrin Aybara 5,399 2.2166%
Ch7: The Way Out of the Mountains Perrin Aybara 2,124 0.8720%
Ch8: Jarra Perrin Aybara 5,512 2.2630%
Ch9: Wolf Dreams Perrin Aybara 2,255 0.9258%
Rand al'Thor 523 0.2147%
Ch10: Secrets Egwene al'Vere 5,441 2.2338%
Ch11: Tar Valon Egwene al'Vere 3,965 1.6278%
Ch12: The Amyrlin Seat Siuan Sanche 2,088 0.8572%
Ch13: Punishments Egwene al'Vere 4,489 1.8430%
Ch14: The Bite of the Thorns Egwene al'Vere 2,759 1.1327%
Ch15: The Gray Man Egwene al'Vere 3,175 1.3035%
Ch16: Hunters Three Egwene al'Vere 3,234 1.3277%
Ch17: The Red Sister Egwene al'Vere 2,294 0.9418%
Ch18: Healing Egwene al'Vere 2,341 0.9611%
Ch19: Awakening Matrim Cauthon 2,761 1.1335%
Ch20: Visitations Matrim Cauthon 4,737 1.9448%
Ch21: A World of Dreams Egwene al'Vere 2,557 1.0498%
Verin Mathwin 221 0.0907%
Ch22: The Price of the Ring Egwene al'Vere 8,342 3.4248%
Ch23: Sealed Egwene al'Vere 3,096 1.2711%
Ch24: Scouting and Discoveries Matrim Cauthon 5,320 2.1841%
Ch25: Questions Egwene al'Vere 4,015 1.6484%
Ch26: Behind a Lock Egwene al'Vere 2,708 1.1118%
Ch27: Tel'aran'rhiod Egwene al'Vere 5,580 2.2909%
Ch28: A Way Out Matrim Cauthon 2,692 1.1052%
Ch29: A Trap To Spring Nynaeve al'Meara 3,401 1.3963%
Ch30: The First Toss Matrim Cauthon 4,191 1.7206%
Ch31: The Woman of Tanchico Matrim Cauthon 2,683 1.1015%
Ch32: The First Ship Matrim Cauthon 5,464 2.2433%
Rand al'Thor 598 0.2455%
Ch33: Within the Weave Perrin Aybara 4,454 1.8286%
Ch34: A Different Dance Perrin Aybara 4,158 1.7071%
Ch35: The Falcon Perrin Aybara 3,225 1.3240%
Ch36: Daughter of the Night Perrin Aybara 4,072 1.6718%
Rand al'Thor 788 0.3235%
Ch37: Fires in Cairhien Egwene al'Vere 4,024 1.6521%
Ch38: Maidens of the Spear Egwene al'Vere 3,672 1.5076%
Ch39: Threads in the Pattern Egwene al'Vere 7,593 3.1173%
Ch40: A Hero in the Night Matrim Cauthon 5,947 2.4416%
Ch41: A Hunter's Oath Perrin Aybara 3,027 1.2427%
Ch42: Easing the Badger Perrin Aybara 5,636 2.3139%
Ch43: Shadowbrothers Perrin Aybara 2,878 1.1816%
Ch44: Hunted Perrin Aybara 3,136 1.2875%
Matrim Cauthon 1,801 0.7394%
Ch45: Caemlyn Matrim Cauthon 3,990 1.6381%
Ch46: A Message Out of the Shadow Matrim Cauthon 4,159 1.7075%
Ch47: To Race the Shadow Matrim Cauthon 2,955 1.2132%
Ch48: Following the Craft Egwene al'Vere 6,193 2.5426%
Ch49: A Storm in Tear Egwene al'Vere 2,341 0.9611%
Matrim Cauthon 5,427 2.2281%
Ch50: The Hammer Perrin Aybara 6,179 2.5368%
Ch51: Bait for the Net Nynaeve al'Meara 3,499 1.4365%
Ch52: In Search of a Remedy Matrim Cauthon 2,662 1.0929%
Ch53: A Flow of the Spirit Perrin Aybara 2,981 1.2239%
Ch54: Into the Stone Matrim Cauthon 3,813 1.5654%
Rand al'Thor 139 0.0571%
Egwene al'Vere 1,934 0.7940%
Perrin Aybara 474 0.1946%
Matrim Cauthon 973 0.3995%
Ch55: What Is Written in Prophecy Rand al'Thor 2,213 0.9086%
Egwene al'Vere 1,003 0.4118%
Matrim Cauthon 1,882 0.7727%
Perrin Aybara 740 0.3038%
Rand al'Thor 1,572 0.6454%
Ch56: People of the Dragon Narrator 126 0.0517%
Matrim Cauthon 2,787 1.1442%
Quote 76 0.0312%

Unique POV Breakdown[]

Character # of POVs % of Total POVs (75) Total Word Count (243,574) % of Word Count
Quote 2 2.6667% 176 0.0723%
Pedron Niall 1 1.3333% 5,530 2.2704%
Jaichim Carridin 1 1.3333% 1,220 0.5009%
Perrin Aybara 21 28.0000% 76,480 31.3991%
Rand al'Thor 6 8.0000% 5,833 2.3948%
Egwene al'Vere 21 28.0000% 80,756 33.1546%
Siuan Sanche 1 1.3333% 2,088 0.8572%
Matrim Cauthon 18 24.0000% 64,244 26.3756%
Verin Mathwin 1 1.3333% 221 0.0907%
Nynaeve al'Meara 2 2.6667% 6,900 2.8328%
Narrator 1 1.3333% 126 0.0517%