A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
"Pain and division come to the whole world, and this man stands in the heart of it."
   — Elaida Sedai

Book Index


Dragonmount - Ravens
1 An Empty Road
2 Strangers
3 The Peddler
4 The Gleeman
5 Winternight
6 The Westwood
7 Out of the Woods
8 A Place of Safety
9 Tellings of the Wheel
10 Leavetaking
11 The Road to Taren Ferry
12 Across the Taren
13 Choices
14 The Stag and Lion
15 Strangers and Friends
16 The Wisdom
17 Watchers and Hunters
18 The Caemlyn Road
19 Shadow's Waiting
20 Dust on the Wind
21 Listen to the Wind
22 A Path Chosen
23 Wolfbrother
24 Flight Down the Arinelle
25 The Traveling People
26 Whitebridge
27 Shelter from the Storm
28 Footprints in Air
29 Eyes Without Pity
30 Children of Shadow
31 Play for Your Supper
32 Four Kings in Shadow
33 The Dark Waits
34 The Last Village
35 Caemlyn
36 Web of the Pattern
37 The Long Chase
38 Rescue
39 Weaving of the Web
40 The Web Tightens
41 Old Friends and New Threats
42 Remembrance of Dreams
43 Decisions and Apparitions
44 The Dark Along the Ways
45 What Follows in Shadow
46 Fal Dara
47 More Tales of the Wheel
48 The Blight
49 The Dark One Stirs
50 Meetings at the Eye
51 Against the Shadow
52 Neither Beginning Nor End
53 The Wheel Turns

<<<   The Web Tightens    >>>
Setting: Royal Palace of Andor in Caemlyn


Point of view: Rand al'Thor

"You sound like an Andorman, though not a Caemlyner, certainly, but you look like..." - Gawyn

Rand sits at a table with Logain, the False Dragon, and Moiraine in silence. The room around them fades to gray. The pair vanish, replaced by Ba'alzamon. Rand's body hums, inside his head, louder and louder until...


"I understand your fondness for strays, Elayne, but the fellow is armed and he hardly looks reputable." - Galad

Rand wakes up with a headache and recalls his fall from wall where he watched the Aes Sedai march Logain through Caemlyn. A girl dressed in rich clothes kneels beside him and he cannot help but compare her beauty to Egwene's. A sound announces the approach of another, a boy around Rand's age dressed as richly as the girl. Through their discussion, Rand learns that their names are Elayne and Gawyn. In a slight panic, Rand tries to stand so he can climb back over the wall when a wave of dizziness strikes him. Elayne treats his injuries as is her hobby with hurt animals. As they talk of personal issues, Rand finally asks who their mother is. Gawyn tells him that she is "Morgase, by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand."[1]


"The Dark One sits in Shayol Ghul. The Shadow lies across the Pattern, and the future is balanced on the point of a pin. This one is dangerous... This I Foretell, and swear under the Light that I can say no clearer. From this day Andor marches toward pain and division. The Shadow has yet to darken to its blackest, and I cannot see if the Light will come after. Where the world has wept one tear, it will weep thousands. This I Foretell... This, too, I Foretell. Pain and division come to the whole world, and this man stands at the heart of it." - Elaida

The shock appears to cure his dizziness as he races to his feet and tries to leave. Gawyn asks his name, perplexed by his features and accent, and appears surprised by the answer. A voice interrupts their conversation. Galad appears ready to defend his siblings from the intruder but Elayne and Gawyn defend Rand, granting him guest right. An argument ensues, ending with Elayne's rude dismissal of Galad. Galad leaves and the siblings agree that Rand should leave before Galad reports his presence to the Queen's Guards. Elayne insists that Rand use a gate rather than climb back up, however, and in this delay the guards appear.

The guards surround Rand with swords and bows drawn. Elayne and Gawyn shield Rand with arms raised. Elayne challenges Guardsman-Lieutenant Tallanvor, an officer, but must accept escort when another guardsman arrives with orders to take Rand and the siblings to the queen. Rand notices the garden untouched by the extended winter as the guards lead the group through a maze of corridors before reaching an audience chamber. Rand follows behind Elayne, mimicking Gawyn's actions through the introduction, but peeking to see the queen, her general, and Aes Sedai advisor. The queen admonishes the siblings for their disobedience. The Aes Sedai joins her, focusing on Elayne. Rand realizes she must be Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan of whom he had previously heard. He does not know that she is of the Red Ajah, however.

Elayne gives her mother a premeditated speech that meeting Rand has helped her learn more about their subjects and realm. Morgase dismisses the notion with a confession that the Two Rivers probably doesn't even know that they are a part of Andor. The comment about the Two Rivers sparks Elaida's interest as she studies the differences between typical folk from western Andor and Rand. She approaches Rand and bares the heron mark on his sword, which was previously wrapped with a red cloth,[2] for all to see. Her comments about the sword prompt every man in the audience to reach for swords. The Aes Sedai appears unconcerned and continues to question Rand, intrigued by the list of coincidences that led him here. The Aes Sedai's constant interrogation angers Rand and he begins to conceal the truth from her. Elaida, under command from the queen, Foretells a dark future of Andor, one of pain and division. More quietly, with nobody else able to hear, she also Foretells to Rand that the entire world will see pain and division and Rand will be at the center of it.

Morgase asks for Gareth Bryne's advice on the matter. Bryne says that he believes Rand's story about being in the palace by accident and dismisses Elaida's public Foretelling as a rather obvious trajectory for the realm; nonetheless, he advises that Rand be imprisoned for a short while until Elayne and Gawyn leave the city with the Aes Sedai journeying to Tar Valon with Logain. Elaida agrees that holding Rand for a few weeks would give her good time to examine him further. Morgase weighs the advice of Elaida and Gareth Bryne in regards to Rand's fate and decides to free him against both their wishes, as there has been too much unfounded suspicion about Darkfriends and the like in Caemlyn and she will not be part of it. After Rand swears under the Light that he means no harm to them, Morgase dismisses him and gathers her advisers to speak about the problem with Whitecloaks in her city.

Rand follows the guards walking him out in a thoughtful state and barely notices it when they reach a small sally-port. He says goodbye to the royal siblings but not before receiving two final shocks. The Daughter-Heir admits that she finds him handsome, while Gawyn explains that with a shoufa wrapped around his head that he would look like an Aielman.










The One Power[]


"Gawyn, I have thought better of you. You must learn not only to obey your sister, but at the same time to be a counterweight for her against disaster."
   — Morgase Trakand


  1. Many actions and reactions for the rest of the chapter are probably influenced by Rand's ta'veren nature. a) Gawyn's babbling, b) Morgase letting him go, c) Elaida giving part of her foretelling just to him.
  2. Some of Morgase's supporters were wrapping their swords in red to show their support and Rand used this to hide the heron mark which always attracted attention.