A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
"All I know is this. If he stays close to you, you live. If he gets too far away, for too long, you are going to die. Both of you. I don't know why I should have seen anything about you in his aura, but you seemed like part of it."
   — Min to Siuan on the aura she saw around Bryne

Book Index


The First Sparks Fall
1 Fanning the Sparks
2 Rhuidean
3 Pale Shadows
4 Twilight
5 Among the Wise Ones
6 Gateways
7 A Departure
8 Over the Border
9 A Signal
10 Figs and Mice
11 The Nine Horse Hitch
12 An Old Pipe
13 A Small Room in Sienda
14 Meetings
15 What Can Be Learned in Dreams
16 An Unexpected Offer
17 Heading West
18 A Hound of Darkness
19 Memories
20 Jangai Pass
21 The Gift of a Blade
22 Birdcalls by Night
23 "The Fifth, I Give You"
24 A Message Sent
25 Dreams of Galad
26 Sallie Daera
27 The Practice of Diffidence
28 Trapped
29 Memories of Saldaea
30 A Wager
31 The Far Snows
32 A Short Spear
33 A Question of Crimson
34 A Silver Arrow
35 Ripped Away
36 A New Name
37 Performances in Samara
38 An Old Acquaintance
39 Encounters in Samara
40 The Wheel Weaves
41 The Craft of Kin Tovere
42 Before the Arrow
43 This Place, This Day
44 The Lesser Sadness
45 After the Storm
46 Other Battle, Other Weapons
47 The Price of a Ship
48 Leavetakings
49 To Boannda
50 To Teach, and Learn
51 News Comes to Cairhien
52 Choices
53 Fading Words
54 To Caemlyn
55 The Threads Burn
56 Glowing Embers

<<<   Trapped    >>>
Setting: Salidar

Point of view: Gareth Bryne

Bryne arrives in Salidar, noting the Warders and the many Aes Sedai present. He is sure Mara is here in the village, but doesn't understand what she would have to do with Aes Sedai or why the Aes Sedai should be here to begin with. Min's jaw drops as she spots Bryne arriving to talk with leaders of the Aes Sedai. Sheriam tells him the oath will be fulfilled, but they can not let him take them away at this time. Bryne states that he will stay and let Mara do his chores. Carlinya informs him that Mara is really Siuan Sanche and Amaena is really Leane Sharif, which nearly drops his jaw.

He tells them it does not matter, they still swore the oaths and must uphold them. Beonin asks him to serve their group while they fulfill their oaths. Bryne sets conditions they must hold to if they want him to agree to be their general. The Aes Sedai can give him objectives, but Bryne leads the army. If Bryne says something can't be done, they must at least consider before ignoring his advice. If they decide to start, they must finish since it will be a death sentence for the men in the army if they are disbanded. The Salidar Six confer behind a shield that mutes their voices and finally agree to his terms.

Point of view: Min Farshaw

When Bryne comes out followed by Siuan, Min realizes that she is going to have to start meeting the obligations of the oath she made to Bryne. She would like to grab her horse and ride off to find Rand, but knows the Warders would stop her. She walks outside where Siuan tells her to watch Logain and to not let him speak to anyone. The Aes Sedai in the inn seem more energetic, more intent on their tasks than they did before. Leane has two women acting as her clerks, busy writing letters. Min chases after Siuan to tell of an aura she saw around Bryne. The meaning is that Siuan and Bryne must stay close to each other or they will both die.




