— comment by Uno after watching Elayne respond to applause to her performance.
<<< Performances in Samara >>> |
Setting: Samara |
Point of view: Nynaeve al'Meara
The menagerie is finally in Samara and ready to begin performing for the public. Birgitte gets angry at Nynaeve for her continued subservience and guilt over Birgitte being ripped out of Tel'aran'rhiod. Nynaeve believes herself to be a coward but Birgitte vehemently disagrees, instead believes Nynaeve is confusing fear with cowardice. Nynaeve enters the performance area and assesses the performances and the crowds they attract. She arrives in time to see the tightrope act with Juilin and Elayne.
Juilin enters, appearing to be drunk, and ascends the ladder to the highrope where he always seems about to fall, but never does. Valan comes out after him and starts shouting for him to come down before he gets hurt. After Juilin finishes, to wild applause, Elayne enters dressed all in white and wearing breeches instead of a proper dress. As Elayne begins to perform, Nynaeve realizes that Elayne is not channeling which she did when she practiced. Elayne performs many daring tricks including backflips, handstands, and cartwheels on the rope, finishing to applause and adoration. The man standing next to her mutters a comment which lets her recognize him as Uno, one of the Shienarans that went with Rand to Falme. Uno begins to leave while Nynaeve tries to catch up to him.
- Elayne
- Nynaeve
- Birgitte
- Thom
- Juilin
- Valan Luca
- Clarine Anhill
- Petra Anhill
- Cerandin
- Latelle not Luca yet
- Uno as grizzled fellow