A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Book Index


What the Storm Means
1 Tears from Steel
2 The Nature of Pain
3 The Ways of Honor
4 Nightfall
5 A Tale of Blood
6 When Iron Melts
7 The Plan for Arad Doman
8 Clean Shirts
9 Leaving Malden
10 The Last of the Tabac
11 The Death of Adrin
12 Unexpected Encounters
13 An Offer and a Departure
14 A Box Opens
15 A Place to Begin
16 In the White Tower
17 Questions of Control
18 A Message in Haste
19 Gambits
20 On a Broken Road
21 Embers and Ash
22 The Last That Could Be Done
23 A Warp in the Air
24 A New Commitment
25 In Darkness
26 A Crack in the Stone
27 The Tipsy Gelding
28 Night in Hinderstap
29 Into Bander Eban
30 Old Advice
31 A Promise to Lews Therin
32 Rivers of Shadow
33 A Conversation with the Dragon
34 Legends
35 A Halo of Blackness
36 The Death of Tuon
37 A Force of Light
38 News in Tel'aran'rhiod
39 A Visit from Verin Sedai
40 The Tower Shakes
41 A Fount of Power
42 Before the Stone of Tear
43 Sealed to the Flame
44 Scents Unknown
45 The Tower Stands
46 To Be Forged Again
47 The One He Lost
48 Reading the Commentary
49 Just Another Man
50 Veins of Gold

Bathed in Light

<<<   A Crack in the Stone    >>>
Setting: Lord Tellaen's manor in Arad Doman, Rebel Aes Sedai camp near Tar Valon, Aiel Waste


Point of view: Aviendha

Min talks to Aviendha to get to know her better while Aviendha has to fill a Water Bucket Drop by Drop as a Punishment. They discuss Rand who has grown more distrustful of others than he was, even Min. During the conversation Min challenges Aviendha's submission to her treatment. Aviendha is so riled afterwards that she confronts the Wise Ones Amys, Bair and Melaine on why she has to do useless Punishments. She angrily tells them she has done all they have asked and she is done with punishments unless they tell her what they wish of her. They ask her if she presumes to be their equal and she affirms that she does. The Wise Ones declare Aviendha to be accepted to act as a Wise One from then on and send her to Rhuidean to complete her training. She will start from Cold Rocks Hold and then walk or run to the city. At the city she is to enter the glass columns to learn of her history and that of the Aiel. She travels to Cold Rocks Hold by Gateway.

Point of view: Romanda Cassin

Romanda is interviewing Shemerin on how she came to be in the Rebel Aes Sedai camp. Lelaine Akashi and Siuan Sanche are present along with some other Sisters. The Sisters try to convince Shemerin that she can't be demoted from being Aes Sedai but she seems to have accepted her new station and won't be convinced. A small bubble of evil erupts in Romanda's tent, spewing forth a great many cockroaches. After leaving the tent they decide to burn it to destroy the insects. Siuan takes Shemerin so that the former can get a map of where a water gate is that the latter used to escape.




