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A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
For other chapters with "scent" in the title, see Scent.

Book Index


What the Storm Means
1 Tears from Steel
2 The Nature of Pain
3 The Ways of Honor
4 Nightfall
5 A Tale of Blood
6 When Iron Melts
7 The Plan for Arad Doman
8 Clean Shirts
9 Leaving Malden
10 The Last of the Tabac
11 The Death of Adrin
12 Unexpected Encounters
13 An Offer and a Departure
14 A Box Opens
15 A Place to Begin
16 In the White Tower
17 Questions of Control
18 A Message in Haste
19 Gambits
20 On a Broken Road
21 Embers and Ash
22 The Last That Could Be Done
23 A Warp in the Air
24 A New Commitment
25 In Darkness
26 A Crack in the Stone
27 The Tipsy Gelding
28 Night in Hinderstap
29 Into Bander Eban
30 Old Advice
31 A Promise to Lews Therin
32 Rivers of Shadow
33 A Conversation with the Dragon
34 Legends
35 A Halo of Blackness
36 The Death of Tuon
37 A Force of Light
38 News in Tel'aran'rhiod
39 A Visit from Verin Sedai
40 The Tower Shakes
41 A Fount of Power
42 Before the Stone of Tear
43 Sealed to the Flame
44 Scents Unknown
45 The Tower Stands
46 To Be Forged Again
47 The One He Lost
48 Reading the Commentary
49 Just Another Man
50 Veins of Gold

Bathed in Light

<<<   Scents Unknown    >>>
Setting: grassland of Maredo, Stone of Tear


Point of view: Nynaeve al'Meara

Rand and Nynaeve are riding in Maredo. She is arguing that Tarwin's Gap gap would be the best place for an assault but Rand wants to strike at Shayol Ghul and use Lan as a distraction. She fails to change Rand's mind so focuses on the task set her by Cadsuane, to find out where Perrin is. From her questioning, Rand knows something, but won't divulge where Perrin is or how he communicates except to say they are linked.

They approach a crossroads where Rand will meet with a representative of the Borderlanders to arrange a formal meeting. Rand allows the Borderlanders to bring no more than four channelers and brings the same number himself. Instead of a delegation, only Hurin waits to give Rand the message. Rand uses the source to lift Hurin off the ground and interrogates him to ensure he is not an imposter. Hurin tells Rand the meeting is to take place in Far Madding, where Rand will be unable to channel. Rand immediately makes a gateway and the group including Hurin go through. Rand then makes another gateway and again they travel through, coming out near Far Madding. The massive Borderlander army is camped around the city. Rand declares that he will not put himself into a 'box' again. He pulls out the access key to the Choedan Kal and considers using it on the army to let them know he is command. Nynaeve is able to convince him to stop before he attacks.

He gives a message to Hurin to pass on to the Borderlander leaders. The Last Battle approaches and Rand will provide free transportation if they return to their lands. Otherwise they can stay here and not take part. They return to Tear where Rand tells her that Perrin is camped near a large statue shaped like a sword stabbing the earth. Nynaeve returns to the keep to pass on the information about Perrin to Cadsuane. Before she makes the disclosure she demands to be told what Cadsuane wants with Perrin. Cadsuane tells Nynaeve that she isn't looking for Perrin, but for someone that is traveling with him.






