A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Book Index


What the Storm Means
1 Tears from Steel
2 The Nature of Pain
3 The Ways of Honor
4 Nightfall
5 A Tale of Blood
6 When Iron Melts
7 The Plan for Arad Doman
8 Clean Shirts
9 Leaving Malden
10 The Last of the Tabac
11 The Death of Adrin
12 Unexpected Encounters
13 An Offer and a Departure
14 A Box Opens
15 A Place to Begin
16 In the White Tower
17 Questions of Control
18 A Message in Haste
19 Gambits
20 On a Broken Road
21 Embers and Ash
22 The Last That Could Be Done
23 A Warp in the Air
24 A New Commitment
25 In Darkness
26 A Crack in the Stone
27 The Tipsy Gelding
28 Night in Hinderstap
29 Into Bander Eban
30 Old Advice
31 A Promise to Lews Therin
32 Rivers of Shadow
33 A Conversation with the Dragon
34 Legends
35 A Halo of Blackness
36 The Death of Tuon
37 A Force of Light
38 News in Tel'aran'rhiod
39 A Visit from Verin Sedai
40 The Tower Shakes
41 A Fount of Power
42 Before the Stone of Tear
43 Sealed to the Flame
44 Scents Unknown
45 The Tower Stands
46 To Be Forged Again
47 The One He Lost
48 Reading the Commentary
49 Just Another Man
50 Veins of Gold

Bathed in Light

<<<   When Iron Melts    >>>
Setting: Arad Doman, White Tower


Point of view: Rodel Ituralde

Ituralde surveys the battle scene before him, considering how it was a costly one. Half his force of 100,000 died defending the city, but they killed a force three times their number, and one with damane at that. He explains to the Seanchan General Turan how he managed to hide his forces inside the city, and some on the fields outside, fooling the general's raken scouts. Ituralde admits this is a war he cannot win. The scene ends with Ituralde taking Turan's head.

Point of view: Leane Sharif

Leane is visited by Egwene in her cell in the White Tower. Leane is amazed how far this girl has come, and how she is truly the Amyrlin. Suddenly, to the shock and dread of both women, the floor, bars, and walls start melting, forming into a liquid substance, still retaining the color of rock. Leane is about to be sucked into the abyss of wherever the stone is melting when she is rescued with flows of air by the Yellow sisters guarding her outside the room. Egwene tells Leane to stay strong.

Point of view: Egwene al'Vere

Egwene is going back to her room, and is surprised to find brown floor tiles in the hallway. Surely, the novice quarters have gray tiles? It turns out that a bubble of evil has swapped part of the quarters of the Brown Ajah with parts of the novice quarters. Egwene considers this strangely fitting due to the divisions of sisters in the Tower these days.




