A Wheel of Time Wiki
"Do you like to run, Rand? I do. I was the fastest in Stedding Shangtai. I outran a horse, once."
   — Loial
For other articles by the same title, see The Hunt Begins.

Book Index


In the Shadow
1 The Flame of Tar Valon
2 The Welcome
3 Friends and Enemies
4 Summoned
5 The Shadow in Shienar
6 Dark Prophecy
7 Blood Calls Blood
8 The Dragon Reborn
9 Leavetakings
10 The Hunt Begins
11 Glimmers of the Pattern
12 Woven in the Pattern
13 From Stone to Stone
14 Wolfbrother
15 Kinslayer
16 In the Mirror of Darkness
17 Choices
18 To the White Tower
19 Beneath the Dagger
20 Saidin
21 The Nine Rings
22 Watchers
23 The Testing
24 New Friends and Old Enemies
25 Cairhien
26 Discord
27 The Shadow in the Night
28 A New Thread in the Pattern
29 Seanchan
30 Daes Dae'mar
31 On the Scent
32 Dangerous Words
33 A Message from the Dark
34 The Wheel Weaves
35 Stedding Tsofu
36 Among the Elders
37 What Might Be
38 Practice
39 Flight From the White Tower
40 Damane
41 Disagreements
42 Falme
43 A Plan
44 Five Will Ride Forth
45 Blademaster
46 To Come Out of the Shadow
47 The Grave Is No Bar to My Call
48 First Claiming
49 What Was Meant to Be
50 After

<<<   The Hunt Begins    >>>
Setting: Shienar and points south


Point of view: Rand al'Thor

Rand wonders if Ingtar plans on killing the horses with the pace he has set. It seems that he wants to find the Horn in one day. Rand wants to talk privately with Mat and Perrin to apologize and explain, but Mat always prompts Perrin to avoid him. Ingtar finally decides they cannot continue on horseback their current pace and they alternate between riding and running along with the horses.

When they camp for the night, Rand checks his bags and is annoyed that all his clothes are too fancy. Ingtar tells him to stop complaining and jokes that Rand will be well dressed for their celebration feast after they find the Horn. Rand is perplexed by Uno and Masema's behavior toward him. Ingtar says that Uno is just trying to gauge Rand to see if he is worthy of that heron-marked blade. Masema, on the other hand, only sees an Aiel when he sees Rand, and he fought the Aiel for many years. Rand insists that he is a shepherd from the Two Rivers, but Loial reminds him that Loial was mistaken on their first meeting too. Ingtar speaks of the unparalleled hardiness and fighting ability of the Aiel.

The next morning, they find where the Trollocs camped for the night. There is evidence that the Trollocs killed humans and ate them, perhaps some of the Darkfriends with them. Hurin says they have turned northeast now. They follow the trail until they find a dead man nobody recognizes, and the trail turns south again. They continue this zigzag pattern for several days, where they follow the trail northward for a few hours in the morning before spending the rest of the day going southward. Ingtar considers going just south as a shortcut but quickly dismisses the idea because the pattern may change at any time. They are gaining ground slowly each day. Ingtar speaks frequently of their glory being immortalized in history once they find the Horn, which disturbs everyone. Shienarans seek duty, not glory.

They come to the river Erinin and an empty village. Uno spots a white-dressed woman[1] in the otherwise empty village but they cannot find her. Perrin smells something very wrong and warns Mat and Rand to prepare themselves as they cross the river. On the south bank, they find the bodies of Changu and Nidao skinned alive, hanging from trees. Ingtar orders a proper burial for them, as they may have been coerced and not actually Darkfriends.

A little while later, they come upon another village, and Rand goes into one of the houses. He sees a half-eaten dinner on the table. Rand has a vision several times of a family sitting down to eat, and the door flies open. The mother grabs the children and starts to run, the father drops the carving knife he had been using, and the vision starts again. Rand reaches for the Void and finally breaks from the vision.[2][3] When they meet in the town square, Mat says he saw the same thing Rand did, the empty chairs around the dinner table, but no vision of a family. The party meets in the town square, and walks to what used to be a village meeting place, where they find a Fade spreadeagled and bound to the front doors of the building. They are wondering what could manage this. Speechless, they can only leave and follow the trail southward.









  1. Lanfear, as proven later.
  2. This was a trap set by Padan Fain. Rand channeled to escape.
  3. Robert Jordan originally intended this to be a trap set by Lanfear. Lanfear may have used it to test whether Rand could channel strongly enough to escape the trap; the Dragon Reborn must be a strong channeler.