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A Wheel of Time Wiki
"Well, I'm going. Fain still has that dagger, so I'm going. But all that servant business ended tonight."
   — Mat Cauthon
For other chapters that have "message" in the title, see Message.

Book Index


In the Shadow
1 The Flame of Tar Valon
2 The Welcome
3 Friends and Enemies
4 Summoned
5 The Shadow in Shienar
6 Dark Prophecy
7 Blood Calls Blood
8 The Dragon Reborn
9 Leavetakings
10 The Hunt Begins
11 Glimmers of the Pattern
12 Woven in the Pattern
13 From Stone to Stone
14 Wolfbrother
15 Kinslayer
16 In the Mirror of Darkness
17 Choices
18 To the White Tower
19 Beneath the Dagger
20 Saidin
21 The Nine Rings
22 Watchers
23 The Testing
24 New Friends and Old Enemies
25 Cairhien
26 Discord
27 The Shadow in the Night
28 A New Thread in the Pattern
29 Seanchan
30 Daes Dae'mar
31 On the Scent
32 Dangerous Words
33 A Message from the Dark
34 The Wheel Weaves
35 Stedding Tsofu
36 Among the Elders
37 What Might Be
38 Practice
39 Flight From the White Tower
40 Damane
41 Disagreements
42 Falme
43 A Plan
44 Five Will Ride Forth
45 Blademaster
46 To Come Out of the Shadow
47 The Grave Is No Bar to My Call
48 First Claiming
49 What Was Meant to Be
50 After

<<<   A Message from the Dark    >>>
Setting: Cairhien


Point of view: Rand al'Thor

Hurin brings Rand to the garden where Mat and Loial wait. Loial shows Rand where they found a walled enclosure. The estate used to be a Ogier grove and the Waygate is inside the walls. Rand sends Mat to see Verin and Ingtar to let them know the Horn of Valere has left via the Ways. Mat grumbles about being a servant and mentions Rand going mad, and Rand is worried that Mat is going to let slip that he can channel. They climb over the wall but no one is there. Hurin is worried about traveling the Ways since he has heard you come out mad if you come out at all. Rand opens the gate so he can show Hurin that he can follow the trail in the Ways. Loial sees Machin Shin inside the gate and Rand drops the Avendesora leaf that is the key to the gate.  The Black Wind appears to be trying to get out of the gate but the portal barrier stops it. Rand can hear what the voices inside are saying and embraces the Void, channeling the Power instinctively to hurl fire at the Black Wind. Rand holds off the Black Wind with the Power until Loial finally closes the gate. Hurin thinks the fire was part of the Black Wind. Rand says they cannot use that to catch up to Fain, and Hurin asks to leave.

They decide to ask Verin to find a way to follow the Horn. When they go back inside the manor house, everyone seems curious as to what Rand and Loial were doing. Barthanes approaches and asks if they will stay longer, but Verin refuses. Barthanes detains Rand to give him a message from Fain. “I will wait on Toman Head for you, if you do not meet me, I will harm those of your blood.” Barthanes also has questions for Rand which don't receive answers. Barthanes appears shocked at the information he has given which may be a ta'veren effect. Then everyone goes outside, and Rand tells them of the message from Fain.

They return to The Great Tree where Perrin is waiting so they can decide what to do. Ingtar believes the message about Toman Head must be a trick, but Rand tells them they can do what they want, but he is going to Toman Head. Loial, then Mat and Perrin agree to go also. Verin indicates that writings made in the dungeon when the Horn was stolen indicate a connection to Toman Head. Verin says Stedding Tsofu has a Waygate and they will go there, and follow using the Ways. Rand asks Verin why Mat looks worse and Verin says he is wasting away and may only have weeks left unless he gets back the dagger. Verin asks Rand whether he has accepted his role in the Pattern yet but Rand says that he will only recover the Horn and the dagger and that is all.







