— Amys to Egwene in tel'aran'rhiod
<<< What Lies Hidden >>> |
Setting: Stone of Tear, Tel'aran'rhiod |
Point of view: Egwene al'Vere
Egwene goes to sleep without the twisted stone ring to see what she can learn about Tanchico and to see if she can enter the World of Dreams without the ring. She, Elayne and Nynaeve plan to hunt the Black Ajah Sisters and the best trail they have leads to Tanchico. Aviendha is also present and well armed after the attack on the Stone earlier in the day. Egwene uses an old book with an engraving of the Panarch's Palace as a focus for where she wishes to go. They have recovered two other dream ter'angreal from Amico and Joiya, although those two are not as powerful and require channeling to work. The Black Ajah likely have another eleven of them and Egwene could run into them in Tel'aran'rhiod, so she will have to be very careful. Egwene marks the candle and tells the others to wake her when it has burned down to that point, setting a time limit for her foray into Tel'aran'rhiod.
Egwene has been having more dreams but she does not know what any of them mean:
- Rand as tall as a mountain, walking through cities, crushing buildings, people screaming like ants.
- Rand in chains and screaming.
- Rand building a wall with him on one side and her on the other.
- Aiel fighting and killing each other[1] and throwing away their weapons.
- Mat wrestling with a Seanchan woman who tied an invisible leash to him.
- A wolf that was Perrin fighting a man whose face kept changing.
- Galad wrapping himself in white.[2]
- Gawyn with his eyes full of pain and hatred.[3]
- Marin al'Vere weeping.
Egwene appears in the palace right next to a large skeleton of a huge animal. As she walks around the museum she sees an angreal and next to it a finely jointed collar with two bracelets attached by chains.[4] She feels darkness and pain associated with the collar. She also finds a broken figurine that painfully causes power to surge between it and her, leaving her queasy.[5]
As she begins to explore Tanchico, she wishes she had someone to teach her the World of Dreams, such as the Aiel Wise Ones. She unwittingly finds herself in the Aiel Waste where a woman dressed as a Maiden is stalking a boar while a lion watches from a crevice. The woman notices Egwene so Egwene wills herself back to the museum.
She returns to searching for indications of the Black Ajah's presence, but doesn't know what to look for and because her time is limited, she begins running through Tanchico, looking into the doorways of shops, inns and houses. Another idle thought about the Wise Ones sends her immediately back to the Waste and she is almost trampled by the boar-like creature. The Aiel woman is there still with her spear raised. Egwene changes her clothing to cadin'sor to try and placate or distract the woman, but instead this aggravates the Aiel woman who uses the mechanics of Tel'aran'rhiod to change Egwene to be naked. Egwene has to draw saidar to change back into her normal clothes and make the Aiel woman naked. Taking advantage of the Aiel woman's surprise, Egwene returns to Tanchico, glimpsing a woman resembling Birgitte Silverbow just before she closed her eyes.
Egwene spies a woman dreaming of flying and decides to do the same. She quickly gains confidence flying over the city, but abruptly realizes that if the Black Ajah is there they might see her, and drops down to fly slower near the ground. She is startled by a woman standing in the street who orders her to stop flying. She is the same woman from before who had been dressed as a Maiden, only now she appears as an older woman, tall, and slim, with white hair held by a folded scarf, a loose white blouse, bulky brown skirt, brown shawl, and many necklaces and bracelets. But with the same sharp blue eyes and voice.
She introduces herself as Amys of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. and Egwene realizes she is a Wise One. Egwene introduces herself as an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah (though she is still only Accepted), and explains her task. Amys mentions a darkness, an evil, present in the city, but is unable to give her any information about the Black Ajah. She tells Egwene to come to the Waste, at Cold Rocks Hold, to learn. Amys is currently at Rhuidean, but says she will return before Egwene arrives. Suddenly Egwene is pulled out of the dream.
- Eurian Romavni
- Rand
- Moiraine
- Morgase
- Brandelwyn al'Vere - as Egwene's father
- Corianin Nedeal
- Joiya Byir
- Amico Nagoyin
- Liandrin
- Rianna Andomeran
- Chesmal Emry
- Jeaine Caide
- Mazrim Taim
- Siuan - as Amyrlin
- Mat
- Perrin
- Galad
- Gawyn
- Marin al'Vere - as Egwene's mother
- Faile Bashere
- Aeldra (the acquaintance of a man dreaming briefly in Tel'aran'rhiod)
- Thom
- Birgitte
- Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
- Kandor
- Guild of Illuminators Chapter House, Tanchico
- Royal Palace of Andor, Caemlyn
- The White Tower
- Cold Rocks Hold
- Rhuidean
- Twisted stone ring
- S'redit skeleton
- A weathered stone figurine of a woman, naked except for her long hair (an angreal)
- Domination Band
- Broken female Access key
- At least one edition has the wheel icon for this chapter.
- ↑ The departure of the Shaido.
- ↑ Galad eventually joins the Children of the Light.
- ↑ For a while Gawyn erroneously believed that Rand had killed Elayne and Morgase.
- ↑ The male a'dam.
- ↑ An access key to the female Choedan Kal.