— Coine din Jubai Wild Winds to Nynaeve and Elayne aboard the Wavedancer.
<<< The Wavedancer >>> |
Setting: The Maule |
- Point of view: Elayne Trakand
Elayne and Nynaeve arrive at the docks in a carriage. As they head for the raker, Elayne asks Nynaeve to try to be tactful when dealing with the Sea Folk. They had agreed that Nynaeve would take the lead because she is older and more likely to command respect. Nynaeve introduces them both as Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah to the Sailmistress of Wavedancer, Coine din Jubai Wild Winds. Coine introduces them to her sister, Jorin din Jubai White Wing, the Windfinder. They head to the Sailmistress's cabin to discuss the gift of passage.
Inside the cabin, Elayne sees a Seanchan helmet and Coine admits that they had to fight off a Seanchan ship last year. Now they recognize the ribbed sails of the Seanchan ships and avoid them. Dorele brings in tea and is reprimanded by Coine for being topless while in port. Nynaeve asks that the ship take them to Tanchico as quickly as possible and offers a letter-of-rights as a gift. Coine wonders at the large sum being offered for passage and says that Aes Sedai are almost always refused the gift of passage; they are actually the only ones who can be refused. Nynaeve, getting annoyed, abandons tact and asks why the meeting is being held if the Sea Folk never carry Aes Sedai.
Coine recaps recent events such as the fall of the Stone and war in Tarabon and Arad Doman. These events are stated in the Jendai Prophecy, the prophecy of the Coramoor; Coine views the prophecy as being fulfilled. She takes the presence of the Aes Sedai in Tear as proof that they are serving Rand, the Coramoor, as stated in the prophecy. She asks why they wish to go to Tanchico. Nynaeve tries to evade the question and asks if they want more money but Coine persists in her question. Elayne decides a bit of honesty would be appropriate and so tells them that they hunt the Black Ajah to prevent them from harming the Dragon Reborn, or the Coramoor as the Sea Folk see Rand. Jorin, as Windfinder, decides they must and will take the two to Tanchico. Elayne does not understand why it was the Windfinder who decided and not the Sailmistress who is clearly the captain of the ship.
Toram, Coine's husband and Cargomaster of the ship, walks into the cabin talking about his trading when he is informed that the ship will be underway shortly and he must cut short his activities in Tear. Upon being told that they will be going to Tanchico instead of east to Mayene and then onto Shara as previously planned, he protests vigorously, pointing out that their goods will not be worth much in the west. Coine says only that she is Sailmistress and it is her decision, although after he leaves she says she will make it up to him in private. Coine finally decides to give passage without a gift as she must keep the Aes Sedai secret from the crew who may consider them bad luck; she will do it as a favor for the Coramoor instead. Coine says she will put in a gift of passage herself and tells Jorin to keep it a secret from Toram.
Suddenly the ship heaves and jostles about, and the two Atha'an Miere sisters rush out to check for damage to the ship.
- At least one edition has the wheel icon for this chapter.