A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
"You needn't think I will sew that up for you. I've done all the sewing for you I mean to! Do you hear me, Perrin Aybara?"
   —Faile to Perrin about the hole in his coat from a Trolloc spear

Book Index


1 Seeds of Shadow
2 Whirlpools in the Pattern
3 Reflection
4 Strings
5 Questioners
6 Doorways
7 Playing With Fire
8 Hard Heads
9 Decisions
10 The Stone Stands
11 What Lies Hidden
12 Tanchico or the Tower
13 Rumors
14 Customs of Mayene
15 Into the Doorway
16 Leavetakings
17 Deceptions
18 Into the Ways
19 The Wavedancer
20 Winds Rising
21 Into the Heart
22 Out of the Stone
23 Beyond the Stone
24 Rhuidean
25 The Road to the Spear
26 The Dedicated
27 Within the Ways
28 To the Tower of Ghenjei
29 Homecoming
30 Beyond the Oak
31 Assurances
32 Questions to Be Asked
33 A New Weave in the Pattern
34 He Who Comes With the Dawn
35 Sharp Lessons
36 Misdirections
37 Imre Stand
38 Hidden Faces
39 A Cup of Wine
40 Hunter of Trollocs
41 Among the Tuatha'an
42 A Missing Leaf
43 Care for the Living
44 The Breaking Storm
45 The Tinker's Sword
46 Veils
47 The Truth of a Viewing
48 An Offer Refused
49 Cold Rocks Hold
50 Traps
51 Revelations in Tanchico
52 Need
53 The Price of a Departure
54 Into the Palace
55 Into the Deep
56 Goldeneyes
57 A Breaking in the Three-fold Land
58 The Traps of Rhuidean

<<<   Within the Ways    >>>
Setting: The Ways, Mountains of Mist


Point of view: Perrin Aybara

Perrin and Gaul are in the Ways and have been following the group led by Loial for two days. Loial with Faile, Bain, and Chiad are heading for the Manetheren Waygate which will put the group near the Two Rivers. Perrin reflects on the altercation he had with Faile when she took exception to his entering the Ways first. The result appears to have been a draw. For now, Perrin is following the agreement with Loial to stay back.

Faile calls for Perrin to join her at the final guiding. Just as they are about to leave for the Waygate, Perrin smells Trollocs and shouts to warn the others. A battle starts and before long all of the Trollocs are dead. Perrin, Loial, and the Aiel all have minor injuries but Faile stayed uninjured by using her knives from a distance. Then a Fade attacks. Gaul attacks with his spear while Bain and Chiad use bow and arrows. Perrin comes up behind and uses his hammer to end the fight. There are more Trollocs so they rush to exit through the Waygate before another attack.

Perrin hears the Black Wind approaching and urges the group to hurry. Loial opens the Waygate. Faile gallops out and tumbles from her horse due to the time difference. The rest of the party exits, Loial last. As two Trollocs try to follow, they are caught by the Black Wind and pulled back inside. Loial puts the leaf key from the inside on the outside so that the the gate can no longer be opened from the inside.

It is late afternoon in the Mountains of Mist. As Perrin observes a pair of hawks, one of them is pierced by an arrow. When the other descends, it is attacked by a flock of ravens. Reluctantly Perrin sends his thoughts out to communicate with any wolves nearby, to find out about the ravens and whoever shot the arrow. He finds out that there are no wolves nearby despite this being an area with no human presence.






  • At least one edition has the wheel icon for this chapter.