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A Wheel of Time Wiki
"I told you not to question, Jaichim. A good dog obeys his mistress, yes? I promise you, if you do not you will beg me to find a Myrddraal to play with you. Do you understand me?"
   — Liandrin to Jaichim Carridin.

Book Index


1 Seeds of Shadow
2 Whirlpools in the Pattern
3 Reflection
4 Strings
5 Questioners
6 Doorways
7 Playing With Fire
8 Hard Heads
9 Decisions
10 The Stone Stands
11 What Lies Hidden
12 Tanchico or the Tower
13 Rumors
14 Customs of Mayene
15 Into the Doorway
16 Leavetakings
17 Deceptions
18 Into the Ways
19 The Wavedancer
20 Winds Rising
21 Into the Heart
22 Out of the Stone
23 Beyond the Stone
24 Rhuidean
25 The Road to the Spear
26 The Dedicated
27 Within the Ways
28 To the Tower of Ghenjei
29 Homecoming
30 Beyond the Oak
31 Assurances
32 Questions to Be Asked
33 A New Weave in the Pattern
34 He Who Comes With the Dawn
35 Sharp Lessons
36 Misdirections
37 Imre Stand
38 Hidden Faces
39 A Cup of Wine
40 Hunter of Trollocs
41 Among the Tuatha'an
42 A Missing Leaf
43 Care for the Living
44 The Breaking Storm
45 The Tinker's Sword
46 Veils
47 The Truth of a Viewing
48 An Offer Refused
49 Cold Rocks Hold
50 Traps
51 Revelations in Tanchico
52 Need
53 The Price of a Departure
54 Into the Palace
55 Into the Deep
56 Goldeneyes
57 A Breaking in the Three-fold Land
58 The Traps of Rhuidean

<<<   Hidden Faces    >>>
Setting: Tanchico


Point of view: Egeanin Tamarath

Egeanin is at the Garden of Silver Breezes waiting for a report by Floran Gelb. Gelb delivers an a'dam he found, his third one, which Egeanin pays for. Once Gelb kidnapped a suspected sul'dam but he was incorrect and Egeanin had to have the lady shipped across the ocean by the Seanchan courier boats which are still arriving on a regular basis, delivering her gold and providing services.[1] The alternative would have been killing the woman. Gelb tries to get more money out of her and offers a rumor about the investiture of the new Panarch but Egeanin declines. After she dismisses Gelb, she sees a Sea Folk raker enter the harbor.[2] As she gets up to leave she spots Bayle Domon and decides to wait for him to leave so he won't spot her, although she realizes it is very unlikely he will recognize her while she is wearing a mask in the Tarabon fashion. As she is leaving she sees Jaichim Carridin entering.

Egeanin returns to her residence in a palanquin surrounded by guards. She looks around at the worn masses and the general desperation of the city which concerns her. She actually started donating to a soup kitchen using some of the money from the courier boats which she has no right to do and would be punished severely if found out, but she cannot help it. She burns with impatience for the Seanchan armies to return and restore proper order in this place, and cannot understand why the High Lady Suroth continues to wait and do nothing substantial.

Point of view: Jaichim Carridin

Carridin is in a meeting with noblemen from Tarabon, including King Andric. All of them are wearing masks. He still hasn't carried out the orders from the Myrddraal[3] and members of his family are disappearing or being killed, one per month. Carridin has been asked to help restore order to the city and he is negotiating to get the best terms for Pedron Niall. Andric, the King, hidden behind a mask, finally gives the assurances that Carridin seeks. Carridin will secure the Panarch's palace so that Amathera can be invested as the new Panarch.

After he returns to his residence, Jaichim finds Liandrin waiting for him with orders. He is afraid Liandrin is there to kill him for failing to kill Rand al'Thor, whom he has failed locate. He pleads that he still has nephews, nieces, and a sister alive that should die before he does. Instead, she tells him he is to take over the Panarch's Palace and send the Panarch's Legion away.

Point of view: Liandrin

Following her meeting with Carridin, Liandrin dreams of the day she will occupy the King's Palace. She enters the merchant's house where the eleven Black Ajah sisters are staying. There she finds Gyldin sweeping the entryway. In the withdrawing room, Eldrith Jhondar, Marillin Gemalphin, Jeaine Caide, Asne Zeramene, and Rianna Andomeran are busy with their own activities. They are searching for a means to control Rand and believe it to be in the Panarch's Palace somewhere.

Point of view: Egeanin Tamarath

Egeanin enters her house and confronts an intruder using a hidden mini-crossbow. The intruder shows a token, then a tattoo that he is a Seeker for Truth. The Seeker serves High Lady Suroth and is checking on the progress of those like Egeanin who were left behind. He wishes any sul'dam Egeanin finds to disappear rather than try to return them to Seanchan. He then asks for any military intelligence she has.

She goes to the basement where Bethamin, the only sul'dam she has captured, is leashed by an a'dam. Egeanin has found out that sul'dam can channel even though the Empire uses them to control women that can channel. She decides she needs to somehow confirm if all sul'dam can channel and ponder what she will do with the information, since it will create a huge upheaval within the Empire.






  • At least one edition has the wheel icon for this chapter.


  1. Although the vast majority of the initial Seanchan military force, the Hailene, was defeated, they are still regularly conducting operations in preparation for a renewed attack.
  2. This is probably the Wavedancer.
  3. The Dragon Reborn, Prologue