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A Wheel of Time Wiki
"Two Rivers to me! For the love of the Light, rally to me! Here! Rally! Here!"
   — Perrin Aybara to the Trolloc Hunters he commands

Book Index


1 Seeds of Shadow
2 Whirlpools in the Pattern
3 Reflection
4 Strings
5 Questioners
6 Doorways
7 Playing With Fire
8 Hard Heads
9 Decisions
10 The Stone Stands
11 What Lies Hidden
12 Tanchico or the Tower
13 Rumors
14 Customs of Mayene
15 Into the Doorway
16 Leavetakings
17 Deceptions
18 Into the Ways
19 The Wavedancer
20 Winds Rising
21 Into the Heart
22 Out of the Stone
23 Beyond the Stone
24 Rhuidean
25 The Road to the Spear
26 The Dedicated
27 Within the Ways
28 To the Tower of Ghenjei
29 Homecoming
30 Beyond the Oak
31 Assurances
32 Questions to Be Asked
33 A New Weave in the Pattern
34 He Who Comes With the Dawn
35 Sharp Lessons
36 Misdirections
37 Imre Stand
38 Hidden Faces
39 A Cup of Wine
40 Hunter of Trollocs
41 Among the Tuatha'an
42 A Missing Leaf
43 Care for the Living
44 The Breaking Storm
45 The Tinker's Sword
46 Veils
47 The Truth of a Viewing
48 An Offer Refused
49 Cold Rocks Hold
50 Traps
51 Revelations in Tanchico
52 Need
53 The Price of a Departure
54 Into the Palace
55 Into the Deep
56 Goldeneyes
57 A Breaking in the Three-fold Land
58 The Traps of Rhuidean

<<<   Hunter of Trollocs    >>>
Setting: Two Rivers

Point of view: Perrin Aybara

Six days have passed since the rescue of Emond's Field villagers from the Whitecloaks. Perrin is reflecting on what has happened since while he rests in the apple orchard where his slain family was laid to rest. Dannil tells Perrin that Faile and Lord Luc have arrived. To Perrin, Luc smells cold and inhuman. Faile informs him that he has a title now: the people of the Two Rivers are calling him Perrin Goldeneyes. His group killed over thirty Trollocs a few days ago, and later forty-one more and a Myrddraal.

Luc is recommending they all return to Emond's Field, but Perrin says he intends to continue hunting for Trollocs. Gaul, Bain, and Chiad return with news of a band of Trollocs that can be ambushed. Lord Luc leaves but Faile decides to stay with the hunters. They head south for two hours about seventy strong. As they wait to spring the trap they suddenly find themselves in a trap with the Trollocs coming at them from behind. Perrin shoots an arrow at a Trolloc and kills it but not before its own arrow takes him in the side. After Perrin kills two more Trollocs, a Fade appears. He slips while fighting the Fade but Ihvon arrives and takes off its head. When all of the men are gathered together again, twenty-seven are dead. They head out of the Waterwood with the wounded riding the horses and the Aiel scouting ahead. As they leave the Waterwood, they hear music coming from nearby.








  • At least one edition has the wheel icon for this chapter.
