A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

For a summary of all translated versions of The Wheel of Time see The Wheel of Time translations.

In Dutch, the Wheel of Time translates as Het Rad des Tijds. All fourteen of the main series books, the New Spring prequel and The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time have all been translated. The current publisher is Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy.

The translators of the series for the first nine books and The World of the Wheel of Time are Johan-Martijn Flaton and Jo Thomas with the remaining books and New Spring being translated by Lia Belt.

Book titles[]

Most of the book titles have the same meaning in Dutch as their English equivalents with the exception of New Spring (translated as A New Beginning), The Shadow Rising (translated as The Coming of the Shadow), The Fires of Heaven (translated as Fire from Heaven) and A Memory of Light (translated as Light of Yesteryear).

  • Een Nieuw Begin - A New Beginning
  1. Het Oog van de Wereld - The Eye of the World
  2. De Grote Jacht - The Great Hunt
  3. De Herrezen Draak - The Dragon Reborn
  4. De Komst van de Schaduw - The Coming of the Shadow
  5. Vuur uit de Hemel - Fire from Heaven
  6. Heer van Chaos - Lord of Chaos
  7. Een Kroon van Zwaarden - A Crown of Swords
  8. Het Pad der Dolken - The Path of Daggers
  9. Hart van de Winter - Winter's Heart
  10. Viersprong van de Schemer - Crossroads ofTwilight
  11. Mes van Dromen - Knife of Dreams
  12. De Naderende Storm - The Gathering Storm
  13. De Torens van Middernacht - Towers of Midnight
  14. Licht van weleer - Light of Yesteryear
  • De Wereld van het Rad des Tijds - The World of the Wheel of Time

Book covers[]

The books are grouped chronologically according to design. Some were republished with the same covers in multiple printings.[1]

Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy (TV tie-in)[]

Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy (Fifth version)[]

The following covers are used in both the physical and ebook editions. The illustrator for these covers was Matthew C. Nielsen.

Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy (Fourth version)[]

In 2014, there was a short run of physical books that shared covers with those of the Tor ebooks. Only four were published and subsequent printings were in the third design until the fifth versions was printed (see above).

Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy (Third version)[]

Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy (Second version)[]

Covers the same as the US Tor versions were printed between 2001 and 2005 for books 1-9. Note that the publishers appear to have reverted to the previous designs for books 10-14 published after 2005. No decent resolution for Path of Daggers available.

Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy (First version)[]

