For a summary of all translated versions of The Wheel of Time see The Wheel of Time translations.
In French, the Wheel of Time translates as La Roue du Temps.
Book titles[]
The books of the series, along with rough translations of the titles of each book are given below.
- Nouveau Printemps (New Spring)
- L'Invasion des Ténèbres (The Eye of the World), 1990 - The Invasion of Darkness
- L'Invasion des Ténèbres | La Roue du Temps (1995) - The Invasion of Darkness | The Wheel of Time
- L'Œil du Monde (1995) - The Eye of the World
- La Grande Chasse (The Great Hunt), 1990 - The Great Hunt
- Le Cor de Valère (1996) - The Horn of Valere
- La Bannière du Dragon (1997) - The Banner of the Dragon
- Le Maître du Mal (The Dragon Reborn), 1991 - The Master of Evil
- Le Dragon Réincarné (1998) - The Dragon Reborn
- Le Jeu des Ténèbres (1999) - The Game of Shadows
- Le Crépuscule du Monde (The Shadow Rising), 1992 - The Twilight of the World
- La Montée des Orages (2000) - The Rise of Storms
- Tourmentes (2000) - Turmoil
- Les Feux du Ciel (The Fires of Heaven), 1993 - The Fires of Heaven
- Étincelles (2001) - Sparks
- Les Feux du Ciel (2001) - The Fires of Heaven
- Le Seigneur du Chaos (Lord of Chaos), 1994 - The Lord of Chaos
- Le Seigneur du Chaos (2003) - The Lord of Chaos
- L'Illusion Fatale (2004) - The Terrible Illusion
- Une Couronne d'épées (A Crown of Swords), 1996 - A Crown of Swords
- Une Couronne d'épées (2007) - A Crown of Swords
- Les Lances de Feu (2007) - The Lances of Fire
- Le Sentier des Dagues (The Path of Daggers), 1998 - The Path of Daggers
- Le Sentier des Dagues (2008) - The Path of Daggers
- Alliances (2008) - Alliances
- Le Coeur de l'Hiver, 2000 - Winter's Heart
- Le Coeur de l'Hiver (2009) - Winter's Heart
- Perfidie (2009) - Treachery
- Le Carrefour des ombres (The Crossroad of Shadows), 2003 - The Crossroad of Shadows
- Le Carrefour des ombres (2010) - The Crossroads of Shadows
- Secrets (2010) - Secrets
- Le Poignard des rêves, 2005 - Knife of dreams
- Le Poignard des rêves (2010) - Knife of Dreams
- Le Prince des corbeaux (2010) - Prince of Ravens
Book covers[]
Bragelonne (pocket)[]
The current paperback editions of the books in French are split into two parts, with New Spring also available.
Bragelonne (large)[]
Each of the books is available in large format (hardback) in a single volume. There also exists a map book, unique to the French publishers, containing the maps of The Wheel of Time.