A Wheel of Time Wiki
A Wheel of Time Wiki

Book Index


1 Apples First
2 Questions of Leadership
3 The Amyrlin's Anger
4 The Pattern Groans
5 Writings
6 Questioning Intentions
7 Lighter than a Feather
8 The Seven-Striped Lass
9 Blood in the Air
10 After the Taint
11 An Unexpected Letter
12 An Empty Ink Bottle
13 For What Has Been Wrought
14 A Vow
15 Use a Pebble
16 Shanna'har
17 Partings, and a Meeting
18 The Strength of This Place
19 Talk of Dragons
20 A Choice
21 An Open Gate
22 The End of a Legend
23 Foxheads
24 To Make a Stand
25 Return to Bandar Eban
26 Parley
27 A Call to Stand
28 Oddities
29 A Terrible Feeling
30 Men Dream Here
31 Into the Void
32 A Storm of Light
33 A Good Soup
34 Judgment
35 The Right Thing
36 An Invitation
37 Darkness in the Tower
38 Wounds
39 In the Three-fold Land
40 A Making
41 An Unexpected Ally
42 Stronger than Blood
43 Some Tea
44 A Backhanded Request
45 A Reunion
46 Working Leather
47 A Teaching Chamber
48 Near Avendesora
49 Court of the Sun
50 Choosing Enemies
51 A Testing
52 Boots
53 Gateways
54 The Light of the World
55 The One Left Behind
56 Something Wrong
57 A Rabbit for Supper

And After

<<<   A Teaching Chamber    >>>
Setting: Caemlyn, Ebou Dar


Point of view: Faile Bashere

Perrin Aybara, Faile Bashere and their procession arrive in Caemlyn via gateway to meet with Queen of Andor, Elayne Trakand. Galadedrid Damodred declines meeting with Elayne, having previously caught up with her. Perrin and his army make their way to the palace. Elayne proclaims her gratitude for returning her mother and declares a day of celebration for her safe return. Elayne asks "Lady Bashere" and "Master Aybara" to request a boon in return for their gift to Andor. Faile asks to discuss this boon in private setting with her. They discuss the issue of Two Rivers and Perrin raising the flag of Manetheren. Perrin and Elayne come to an agreement over his title as High Lord of the Two Rivers.

Point of view: Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag

Fortuona's der'sul'dam, Melitene, makes Suffa perform the weave for Traveling. Fortuona proclaims that all the marath'damane must be leashed, they are key to holding lands on both sides of ocean and the Last Battle. She also says "The Dragon Reborn will serve the Crystal Throne". She wants every damane to be recalled to city and train them in Traveling. She plans to attack White Tower with all their might.

Point of view: Perrin Aybara

Perrin shares his story about Malden, the Prophet, Alliandre and Galad with Mat and Thom and they fill him on their experiences. They discuss Verin's letter and Mat says he will open it onces he is back from the Tower of Ghenjei. Mat and Thom comment on how much Perrin has changed from soft-spoken, unsure boy. Mat tells Perrin that he is leaving soon and asks if Perrin could lend them a gateway. Mat tells Perrin about Moraine being alive, her letter to Thom and that he is going to rescue her from Tower of Ghenjei.






