I am working on this infographic to add to the Hall of the Tower page. There are some explanatory notes to be added to the main text. Not everything is referenced yet, but will be soon.
The key gives the full name of each sitter, her Ajah, her age in 1000 NE and her strength level in the One Power. BA marks those women who were also Black Ajah.
Even though Egwene al'Vere was never adopted by any Ajah, she is marked as Green Ajah as she thinks of herself as Green and was informally accepted as belonging to the Green by it's Ajah Head, Adelorna Bastine.
With regards the two Blue Sitters marked by question marks, the Sitter indexed by 1 is an unnamed Blue Sitter who was killed during the coup. During the events of New Spring, two Blue Sitters are mentioned Eadyth, who was also First Selector, and Anlee. It may have been either or neither of these women.
The Sitter indexed by 2 is an unnamed Blue Sitter that was elected to replace the executed Black Ajah sister Moria Karentenis. No obvious candidates come to mind.
The dates on the inside circle are the date in NE each Sitter was elected to the Hall. The number of women elected under each Amyrlin is as follows.
Siuan Sanche (988-999): 10
Marith Jean (984-988): 6
Sierin Vayu (979-984): 1
Tamra Ospenya (973-978): 1
Noane Masadim (950-973): 3
For comparison, Elaida saw 9 new Sitters (two of which previously were Sitters) and Egwene saw 11 new Sitters (one which previously sat in the Hall) in the Rebel Hall and 5 new Sitters under the unified Tower.
Romanda Cassin was elected in 885 under Sereille Bagand (866-890) and served a staggering 89 years in the Hall, continuing to serve through the tenures of Amyrlins Aleis Romlin (890-922), Kirin Melway (922-950) and Noane Masadim (950-973). She finally resigned when she lost the race to become Amyrlin in 973 to Tamra Ospenya, retiring to Altara until the rebels set up camp almost on her doorstep.
Suana Dragand was elected in 919 under Aleis Romlin and served through through the tenures of Kirin Melway and part of Noane Masadim's, retiring from the Hall in 952.
Ferane Neharan was elected in 981 under Sierin Vayu (979-984) and served through the tenure of Marith Jean (984-988) and part of Siuan Sanche's, retiring in 992. This clashes with the dates of some of the other Sitters for the White. Of these, Ferane's and Seaine's are confirmed in the books themselves.
The Hall is a circular chamber with the Sitters' benches facing the Amyrlin. The Keeper's position is to the right of the Amyrlin as viewed by the Sitters. The Amyrlin can only be present when the Keeper is there to annouce her coming and the Keeper is not allowed into the Hall while in session at all without the presence of the Amyrlin.
In the infographic, we have placed a central lecturn so that sisters can address the full Hall when summoned. There exists galleries surrounding the central floor for onlookers to observe the workings of government. This is generally allowed except for when business is Sealed to the Hall, but this is dealt with by weaving a Ward against eavesdropping rather than forbidding observers to be present.
The benches closest to Amyrlin are reserved for the Ajahs of the two eldest Sitters in attendance, whereas the other positions are taken by whichever Ajah claims them first.
Under Siuan Sanche c998, the oldest Sitters (and DOB) were Saerin Asnobar (781) and Sedore Dajenna (813) of the Brown and Yellow Ajahs. Third and fourth oldest were Janya Frende (816) and Lelaine Akashi (827) of the Brown and Blue Ajahs.
Under Elaida, the oldest Sitter became Ferane Neheran (727) of the White Ajah while Saerin Asnobar became second oldest. The third and fourth oldest were Suana Dragand (784), both of the Yellow Ajah.
Under Egwene al'Vere's Rebel Hall, the oldest Sitters were Romanda Cassin (726) and Lelaine Akashi (827), of the Yellow and Blue Ajahs. The third and fourth oldest were Varilin Zanaire (831) and Lyrelle Ariewin (833) of the Gray and Blue Ajahs.
Under Egwene al'Vere's united Tower, the oldest Sitters are likely to have been Romanda Cassin (726) and Ferane Neheran (727). The third and fourth oldest are likely to be Lelaine Akashi (827) and Varilin Zanaire (831), although we don't know the ages of the new Sitters.
The eldest Sitter has the right to speak first and is marked with a gold star. The youngest Sitter opens formal sessions by making a declaration to that effect while the second youngest sitter weaves the Ward against eavesdropping and maintains it
for the duration of the session. These are marked with a silver and bronze star respectively. We assume that Sitters we don't have ages for doesn't upset this ordering.
It is highly likely there is an inconsistency in the books with regard the Sitters for the Red Ajah between the The Great Hunt and the removal of Siuan Sanche. Elaida is mentioned as being a Sitter in TGH and Robert Jordan was asked about her gaining this position.
At first he stated straight-out that Elaida had never been a Sitter, but then corrected this by saying she took over from Amira Moselle, a name that was not known to readers at that point. At this point, the explanation made sense with Javindhra being Elaida's replacement. On publication of the Companion, however, it is stated that Pevara Tazanovni, Teslyn Baradon and Javindhra Doraille were raised in 985 to replace the three Sitters unchaired by Marith Jean in punishment for the Vileness. Amira's entry states she is the predecessor of Elaida, which means that one of the three raised in 985 must have not been a Sitter for a point.
Three possible scenarios are proposed.
Elaida took over from Amira (as per twotc and RJ Q&A).
Amira temporarily took over from Teslyn who "supported" Elaida, but is not explicitly stated as standing for her in the Hall. Javindhra and Pevara are stated as having done so. No inconsistencies in this scenario with either the main series or companion, although a little confusing.
Elaida was never a Sitter and it is an error in the books. RJ initially didn't think she was and there is no legal reason she needs to be one in order to arrange a coup if she has the votes of the Red Sitters. Amira is an invention of RJ to cover for an error, but clashes with the idea that Javindhra, Teslyn and Pevara are the Sitters raised in 985 in the companion (and likely elsewhere in RJ's notes). This gives an inconsistency in the books (with Elaida being a Sitter) and in the companion (where it states in Amira's entry that she was Elaida's predecessor in the Hall as well as the detailed Q&A regarding that question. Interestingly, Elaida is never mentioned as a Sitter in her own entry in the Companion.
Javindhra was not a Sitter until after Elaida. Elaida replaced Amira for a short while and Amira was the Red Sitter raised in 985. Thus the only inconsistency is with Javindhra's entry in the Companion and no clashes with the main series. Indeed, this was the main line of thought before the publication of the Companion.