Velina Behar is an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah publicly and secretly a member of the Black Ajah.[1] Once a woman of considerable influence; she was a sitter for her Ajah as well as a member of the Black Ajah's Supreme Council.[1] In 1000 NE her loyalties were exposed by Egwene al'Vere and she subsequently fled the White Tower rather than face justice.
Appearance and Personality[]
She has a nose like an eagle's beak and sharp, tilted eyes. She has sharp high cheekbones and a penetrating stare from her eyes that are almost black.
Her voice is almost girlishly high-pitched. Her appearance is fierce. Her plain snowy dress appears stark and cold.
Elaida thinks she is normally the most self-possessed woman in the Tower and the model of a White sister.[2]
Strength and Abilities[]
Velina is of low average strength for an Aes Sedai, with a One Power level of 25(13). She would be unable to Travel without linking with another channeler.
Velina was born in 859 NE and went to the Tower in 877 NE. She remained a novice eleven years and was Accepted for nine years. She was raised to the shawl in 897 NE.[1]
She was elected Sitter for the White Ajah in the year 974 NE, having worn the shawl for 74 years at the age of 115.[1] This is on the young side for a Sitter. Her exemplary status as a White Sitter may have contribited to this promotion.
Velina was a member of the Black Ajah Supreme Council. She was one of only three women who knew Alviarin's identity as head of the Black Ajah; the others were Galina (also Alviarin's second) and Sedore.[1]
She was one of the Sitters that stood to depose Siuan Sanche and raise Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan as Amyrlin Seat. She therefore remained a Sitter in the Hall of the Tower and is counted among the loyalist faction.
She is among the Sitters that Elaida meets with in Alviarin's absence. At this meeting, she tries to convince Elaida that, logically, multiple a'dam cannot exist since two ter'angreal that perform the same function are rare.[2] She genuinely believed this logic, and that the Seanchan did not exist, despite reports to the contrary.[1]
Verin Mathwin's list confirmed Velina as Black Ajah and she flees the Tower, therby escaping execution. Her current whereabouts are unknown. She may have participated in the Battle in Tel'aran'rhiod.