Viendre is a Wise One of the Goshien Aiel.[1]
She has an eagle-like face and has blue eyes. She looks to be in her mid-twenties, but could be older due to the One Power.
Strength in the One Power[]
Viendre has a strength in the One Power of 10(+3) and is among the strongest female channelers.[1] Elayne describes her as being stronger than both herself and any sister she had met except Nynaeve al'Meara.[2]
Some readers have seen this as a discrepnancy because Elayne is listed as having a potential strength level of 8(+5), but it should be noted that Elayne had not yet reached her full potential, nor do we know how far she still had to go to reach it. Making a comparison with Suian in New Spring, Siuan had been channelling for six years when she was raised Aes Sedai, but was still enough weaker than Cetalia Delarme at 14(2) to have to obey her and would have to do so "for years" until she would reach her own potential of 13(1).[3] In contrast, Elayne had only been channelling for less than two years at this point. Elayne being level 11(+2) or less at this point would still make her quite a bit stronger than any other Aes Sedai Elayne had met bar Nynaeve. This is also consistent with Aviendha being listed as level 11(+2) in the Companion as this was only her attained, and not her potential strength.[4]
She stands for Elayne Trakand in her first-sister bonding ceremony with Aviendha.
It can be assumed that during the Last Battle she fights in Thakan'dar Valley along the other Wise Ones.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Wheel of Time Companion, Viendre
- ↑ Winter's Heart, Prologue
- ↑ New Spring, Chapter 12
- ↑ The Wheel of Time Companion, Aviendha