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A Wheel of Time Wiki

The Whitecloak War was a conflict from summer 957 NE to autumn 959 NE in which the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light, Pedron Niall, attempted to expand the borders of Amadicia into northern Altara.[1][2] The Children of the Light call it The Troubles as "Whitecloak" is a pejorative to their organisation.

Altara, as a weak and decentralised nation, could not withstand the invaders alone, gaining assistance from Murandy and the much stronger Illian. Those nations feared that the Whitecloaks would not stop with Altara and continue into their own territories. Whether true or not, they believed it.[3] The strategy of the side of the Altarans was referred to as The Altaran Noon , an attempt to make the Altaran territory "too hot to handle" for occupying forces.[4]

Asides from the heads of the national forces, known veterans of the conflict include current High Captain of the Tower Guard Jimar Chubain, who fought as a mercenary for Illian, and Tam al'Thor, who distinguished himself enough to become appointed to the elite Illianer Companions.[5][2]

Andor may have also sent troops to reinforce. According to Talmanes, Andor had not sent troops south into Murandy in large numbers since the Aiel and Whitecloak Wars and those troops were merely "passing though".[6] Andor's involvement is not mentioned in either The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time or The Wheel of Time Companion, however.


In the Battle of Soremaine, King Mattin Stepaneos was captured and ransomed by Pedron Niall. The Illianer army was almost routed by the Whitecloak army but catastrophe was averted by virtue of the valor of the Illianer Companions.

The Battle of Moisen was a chaotic night-fight that occurred when armies blundered into one another close to Moisen in Altara. Niall thought it the worst battle he had ever fought.


Despite victory, Altara was still weakened and many villages, including Salidar, remained abandoned for decades to come.[7] Many Altarans died in the conflict.[8]

Queen Tylin Quintara inherited a vulnerable position from her father and was forced to tolerate the presence of Jaichim Carridin as ambassador for the Children of the Light in Ebou Dar and even listen to his requests, despite the number of Altarans who died during the war.[8]

